Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Rotten Clothes and Antique Potties
I just got off the phone with my grandmother (my Dad's mom) and we were talking about my great-grandmother's (I call her great) house. Great passed away in October, she would have been 93 last month. Up until 4 months before her death she lived alone in the house her and my great-grandfather had built (I think in the 50's). When she moved into the nursing home she insisted that her house be left alone because she was going to be back. To her, the nursing home was just a brief stay until she could get over her congestive heart failure. She pretty much died of "natural" causes. At 93 her body was just worn out... She died peacefully in her sleep.

My great-grandparents were big time travelers in their day, they also had a eye for antiques. They owed an antique store on the square of the town they lived in. The town, Junction City, KS, was were my parents were both raised. My grandparents owned a furniture store across the street from the antique store. If you needed furniture in Junction City the Sjoholm's were who you would see. My great-grandfather passed away when my dad was ten years old, but my great-grandmother kept the store until right before I was born.

The past few month, since Great passed away, my grandmother and aunts have been cleaning out Great's house. You can only imagine the things they are finding. Just recently they went into the attic (there is a regular stairwell leading to it from behind a door) and they found some very interesting stuff. There was a cedar chest and a dresser that had my great-grandfather's clothes still hanging in them! He has been dead for over 35 years and the stuff looks like it has not been touched since then. My grandmother said the clothes are rotting off the hangers! They have also found an extensive gun and knife collection that no one even knew about. Great was afraid that someone would take her stuff from her so she hid things in the floor boards and underneath the furniture. According to my grandmother going through her house is like a treasure hunt.

The problem is my grandmother is afraid to be in Great's house by herself (not the best area of town anymore), my aunts are so busy with their kids and work and my Dad lives so far away. I wish I could be there to help my grandmother sort through the things. What is hard for her is figuring out what is really antique and what is junk.

I told my grandmother today that I would love to have some of Great's items. One thing in particular is an antique potty. She had about ten of them and they are beautiful colors and patterns. They look like a large bowl with a lid. They were used when there was no indoor plumbing and it was too cold outside to use the outbuildings. When my sister and I were little we would sit on them and pretend to use them. She is going tomorrow to pick one out for me!

Sorry if this post is not entertaining or is boring... I think I just needed to get it out. I miss Great so much and even more so, I miss my grandfathers, Great's son (grandpa) and my mom's dad (PopPop). I am the oldest grandchild and had always had such a special connection with all my grandparents and Great. I guess since we live so far away sometimes it doesn't even seem like they have passed on. Sometimes it feels like they are just a phone call away. Someday I hope my children are as close to their grandparents as I have been to mine.

I love you and miss you Grandpa, PopPop and Great!


Blogger Unknown said...

Very cool post! I'm still a history nerd at heart, so hearing about your family history and old stuff is always exciting.


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