Sunday, February 05, 2006
Cheese Farm

When I was little my dad would never let us stop when we were on road trips. We would go from Huntsville to Kansas with maybe two stops if we were lucky. So obviously he would never let us stop at the cheesy (no pun intended) tourist attractions.

I drove on our way to Gatlinburg for our honeymoon since Michael had worked the whole night before we left. Some where between Chattanooga and Gatlinburg I saw signs for the Sweetwater Valley Cheese Farm. I woke Michael up and told him we HAD to go. In my mind there were going to be cows you could pet, a tour of the barns, tons of free cheese and a GIANT cow out front.

So, we took the detour off the highway to the farm. Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed... There were no cows to pet, no barn tours, very little free cheese and NO GIANT COW!

The cheese was great and they had tons of different types so we purchased several types. Needless to say, I was constipated for a week but that's another story...

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