Wednesday, March 29, 2006
1 Year
A lot has happened in the past year. On Sunday Michael and I will be celebrating one year from the day we met!

For those of you that don't know, we met each other online last March. The last week of March 2005 I went to Kansas to visit my grandmother and great grandmother. The entire time I was there Michael and I stayed up most hours of the night on the phone. It is hard to believe but I truly felt a connection with him through the phone! The day after I got home from Kansas (April 2) we finally met in person. From that day on we have hardly be apart. Here is the past year in a nut shell (looking back, I can't believe we did it so quick, but I am sooooo happy we did!!!):

April 2: We met! Watched "The Notebook" at his apartment.

June 4: I quit my job at Monte Sano Terrace and moved in with him in Decatur (I LOVE not working 7 days a week!!!)

June 11: Brought Lily (our cat) home from Michael's mom's house (Michael's mom's cat is Lily's mommy)

Mid-August: Moved from Decatur ghetto apartment into Weston Ranch Apartments in Madison

Sept 19: Had major surgery and was out of work for over 2 weeks.

Sept. 23: Got engaged (yes, I was still drugged from surgery)

Nov. 4: Bought Lexi (our crazy puppy)

Nov. 11: Bought our first house!!!!!

Dec. 10: Got married in our first house!!!!

Dec.17-20: Honeymoon in Gatlinburg, TN

The past few months haven't been going at such a fast pace! During the past year I have been happier than I have ever been. Michael has been more than a boyfriend/fiancé/husband to me, he has been my best friend. I can not imagine my life without him in it. Not only is he wonderful but I have a whole new family of wonderful wonderful people and I feel truly blessed.

What is next for us? Only time will tell...


Blogger Mark said...

Congratulations on your whirlwind of a year! It's great to see you happy with your studly man-toy.

Keep updating your blog. You and Heather are the only ones who do. Gives me a reason to avoid studying!

Blogger Unknown said...

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Blogger Jamie said...

Mark, what is funny is I am blogging to aviod writing papers....

Blogger Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you and Michael!

Blogger Domestic CEO said...

Congratulations on a heck of a year!

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog to let me know you've been checking in. It's always nice to have this weird blog connection with total strangers - and I mean that quite sincerely!

Blogger livingwilde said...

I had no idea it was all that fast!!! Sometimes, you just know. And then there are those of us who dated our husbands for 4 years.... LOL!


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