Thursday, March 16, 2006
For Ronda
I came across this poem a few months ago when searching for some quotes for my scrapbook. I found it on my computer again today and thought it was perfect for Ronda and sweet baby Scout. Meeting Scout yesterday was magical, she is beautiful just like her mother.

Baby Girl

Nestled sweetly in your arms,
Is a touch of the Father's love.
A tiny, slumbering baby girl,
Fresh from Heaven above.
Cherish each tender moment,
As you look on her tiny face;
For you're holding a priceless treasure,
Wrapped in ribbons, roses and lace.

Soon, this tiny bundle of pink,
Will grow into a little girl;
With baby dolls and dress up clothes,
And a ballerina twirl.
With a sparkle in her laughing eyes,
She'll steal your heart away.
So hold tight to this special gift,
And memories of this day.

-Allison Chambers


Blogger Unknown said...

Beautiful poem...I'm sure the proud new Mom will love it!


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