Sunday, August 20, 2006
I already failed. I didn't blog yesterday. I am redefining my goals. I will blog every weekday.


Blogger La said...

honey, once a week is good enough. Just when you get the need to talk or have something you need to tell us all without calling. I just use it as a type of diary but I don't necessarly put everything in it. You haven't failed, just redefine your goals.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

love ya chickie! I am doing good to make one phone call a day to someone other than my husband...sometimes that doesnt even happens take it as it goes!

Blogger Unknown said...

You were just enjoying life. Cherish that time with Michael and don't worry about posting over the weekend.

Blogger Jamie said...

Actually, Michael was working! LOL All I did this weekend was lay around the house.... Saturday night I went out to dinner with Amber and to see a show but that was it!


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